My Routine: Morning & Night

There are certain things I can do in the morning and night that set me up for success. I learned this concept from Lara Casey years ago. The alternative is this cycle of bad behavior.

I go to bed later without preparing for the next day, the mornings are more chaotic and then I start my day feeling behind and can’t seem to every catch up. By afternoon, I’m overwhelmed by what needs to be done and normally feel like it’s too much to tackle to do anything…so I normally don’t. ; ) The cycle starts all over!

I had been keeping in my head the things that normally help me have a better day or night, but hadn’t actually written them down. I finally did and keep the little notepad handy. Not everything gets done every day but it has made a world of difference on the days I tackle this list!!


— No phone
— Quiet Time
— Water/Vitamins
— Drink Ningxia (a lifesaver during low-energy pregnancy!)
— Pack healthy snacks for after gym
— Unload dishwasher
— Start a load of clothes in wash
— Make bed
— Stretch
— Diffuse Oils
— Put prayer journal on passenger seat


— Kitchen clean
— Dishes loaded and running
— Workout clothes laid out
— Work bag packed (if I’m working at a coffee shop)
— Quiet time tray out and ready
— Phone away and on charger
— Stretch
— Bounce on bouncy ball (pregnancy specific!)
— Face lotion on
— Bed by 9:30

What helps your day get off to the right foot??

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