FC Interview: Preachers N Sneakers

Several years ago, (then anonymous) Ben Kirby started an Instagram account titled PreachersnSneakers where he posted pictures of what pastors and worship leaders were wearing along with a photo of the (often ostentatious) cost of their clothing. Within a few weeks, his account had gone viral, gaining over 100,000 followers!

Going viral was never Ben’s intent, but he was happy to have started a conversation that the Church has needed to have for a long time. Responses from those in the images that he posted varied from people who were good sports to people who were downright angry and offended.

In essence, this account has served as a mirror for the church to behold herself as she is. It has been an extremely revealing moment for the Church at large and the hearts & minds of her members.

This interview with Ben was delightfully refreshing as his humility really shines through his comments and thoughtful responses, which were as merciful and kind as they were honest. This is such an important conversation for the Church to have in this cultural moment.

Be sure to check out Ben’s new book, Preachers N Sneakers: Authenticity in an Age of For-Profit Faith and (Wannabe) Celebrities, today!

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