6 Must-Have Traits For Christian Families This Election Year

My oldest daughter will be able to vote for the first time this year. We’ve been preparing her for this moment since being taken to the polls as a newborn. But I don’t know how she’ll decide to cast her ballot. And that’s okay. As a family, we try to focus more on who we represent than on who we vote to represent us.

In the Beatitudes, Jesus says, “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). That scripture is why “be the light” is a common phrase we say around our house. But my little family of four isn’t the only light. Your family is the light, too. God places all believers on a hill to glorify Him. So, during this election season, let His light be evident in your family, too, by leaning into these 6 character traits.

1. Love

With Jesus as our cornerstone, love literally forms the foundation of our faith and families. It is also the primary character trait to guide our interactions with neighbors, regardless of differing political opinions. Jesus underlines the importance of being recognized as His followers by how we love others. In John 13:34,35 He spoke these words in one of His last moments with His disciples: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

During an election year, we can easily get caught up in our differences and widen the gap in our minds by categorizing people as “us” and “them.” We can let yard signs, bumper stickers, and social posts drive us further away from our neighbors and Jesus’ call to love them. And if we’re not careful, our families can become known for who we vote for rather than for how we love others.

Simple idea for your family to love others: Pray for leaders, elected officials, and voters. Avoid spreading negativity on social media (or at your dinner table, in school or at work). Instead, promote messages that advance unity and Christ’s love.

2. Humility

God created every single person in His image (Genesis 1:27). And a humble posture reminds us to treat every image bearer with dignity and respect. It doesn’t matter if they hold different beliefs or political affiliations. Every person we meet was knit together in the womb by the Father. Jesus gives us the perfect example of approaching others from a humble place. He lowered Himself to the role of a servant by washing the feet of all of His disciples, even the one He knew betrayed Him (John 13:1-17).

A humble demeanor can be a powerful witness to the love of Christ, but it doesn’t mean we compromise God’s truth. Instead, humility allows us to hold heartfelt conversations with those who think differently, admit we don’t know everything, and can learn from others’ perspectives.

Simple idea to grow humility in your family: Practice active listening. Active listening involves paying close attention to what someone is saying and noticing tone and body language. Also ask clarifying questions, such as “What I hear you saying is…Do I understand correctly?” The purpose of active listening is to understand the other person’s viewpoint rather than listening with the intent to rebuttal.

3. Patience

Colossians 3:12-13 gives us an outfit to wear daily: “As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” But, let’s be honest: many of us forget to put on patience. Or, we walk out the door with it but let it slip off our shoulders as the day goes on. And, we lose it. Thankfully, God knows this about us and offers it as a Fruit of the Spirit.

When we practice patience towards those with differing opinions, we can better resist the temptation to judge or dismiss others’ perspectives. Instead, we’re more likely to respond from a place of love, compassion, and empathy.

Simple idea for growing patience in your family: Before responding to a differing opinion, whether in person or online, take a moment to calm down. Step away and give everyone time to chill. Pray and actively invite God into the situation. Teach this to your kids, too.

4. Integrity

Integrity means being trustworthy and honest. Throughout scripture, God stresses the importance of this character trait in belivers. Proverbs 20:7 (NKJV) states, “The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.” Our moral character shapes our lives and significantly influences our family’s spiritual heritage.

While integrity creates a profound generational impact on our kids, it also highlights how Jesus changes us and sets us apart from the culture. When your family consistently demonstrates honesty and ethical behavior, you reflect Christ’s character to others. It becomes a tangible way to be that light on the hill!

Simple idea on how to show integrity in your family: Avoid spreading misinformation and always fact-check before sharing (or commenting on) posts. If you find you’ve made a mistake, admit to it and teach your kids to do the same.

5. Wisdom

As parents, “make smart choices” isn’t just a phrase we should say to our kids. During an election season, we all need a good dose of wisdom, not just on how to vote but also on how to act, what to post on social media, and how to respond to others.

And, one of the smartest choices we can make is to ask God for wisdom. He guarantees to give it to us when we ask Him for it, too. James 1:5 says it this way: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” This assurance should bring us great comfort and confidence in our pursuit of wisdom.

Simple idea for growing wisdom: Spend time studying God’s word. As a family, talk about what God reveals to you. Consistent prayer can also lead to increased wisdom and discernment by drawing you nearer to God. And, let go of the need to get it right all the time. Instead, view mistakes as opportunities for you to learn.

6. Hope

While this list starts with love, it ends with hope. As Christians, our hope is in the Lord, not in any man or woman on a ballot. Our God is trustworthy, in control, and loves us. We are never without Him, which means we are always with hope. We can trust in God’s ultimate plan and sovereignty. Our hope is not won or lost during an election because we know God is sovereign and will work all things out for good. He always has and always will.

Simple way to keep your family rooted in hope: As a family, pray Romans 15:13 for our county, your neighbors, and your family. Commit the words to memory: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Amen.

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