Jesus Marveled

“When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at time, and turning to the crowd that followed Him, He said, “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith”. Luke 7:9 (ESV)

If you are around Christians often you will hear the word “faith”. The word “faith” is so common it is hard not to take for granted everyone understands what faith means. I understand faith is essential to my relationship with God but do I really understand what it means to have faith?

Did you know it was a Gentile’s faith that caused Jesus to marvel? When I think of Jesus, the Son of God, I can’t imagine doing anything that would cause Him to marvel. Unfortunately, my earlier life has been more about making Jesus sad. Just this morning I was I wishing I could go back and do things differently… but I can’t.

I’m thankful Jesus did not give up on me and I pray that my life can now cause Jesus to marvel. However, I do wonder how anyone can possibly amaze God when He knows everything. Luke and Matthew record a story in Scripture about a man whose words left Jesus amazed. We do not know the man’s name but we know his position — he was a Roman centurion, a Gentile.

I find it interesting to find Jesus weeping over Jerusalem (the Jews) and marveling at a Gentile. Do you find it difficult to picture God having emotions like sorrow and happiness? In comparison to our tears, God’s tears are never from fear or surprise — He knows everything and fears nothing.

So what caused Jesus to marvel? The Roman Centurion said, “Lord, I too am a man set under authority, with soldiers under me: and I say to one, ‘go’, and he goes; and to another come, and he comes; and to my servant, do this, and he does it”. I would find it more amazing if his soldiers had not obeyed his commands (obviously, I’m missing something).

I believe the Centurion recognized Jesus was under the authority of God — which is exactly what Jesus taught (and is exactly what everyone misunderstood). But, is that what amazed Jesus? I don’t think so. I believe what caused Jesus to marvel is the Centurion’s faith.

He had faith to come see Jesus. He had faith to ask Jesus to heal his soldier and He had faith to believe Jesus was powerful enough to just say the word and his soldier would be healed. Ponder that for a minute, his faith provided him with the courage to speak to Jesus on behalf of his soldier. That, my friends is amazing

I need to ask you the same question I asked myself after studying this passage. Do you have enough faith to go to Jesus and ask Him for a miracle? Do you have the faith to trust God to change your life so you will never be the same again? What is going on in your life at this very moment where you need God to do a miracle?

If you are like me, I believe He can! But will He? That is the harder question. Faith looks at the heart of God and says God will not withhold anything good from His children. Faith is believing God can and God will. I believe! Do you? If so, you will amaze Jesus!    

Further Reading: Matthew 8:10; Luke 7:1-10; Psalm 84:11

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