Sabina Tagore Immanuel

Sabina Tagore Immanuel is a poet and author with a passion to communicate biblical values and truth in a practical manner. Sabina holds a master’s and a research degree in Physics, and a Masters in Guidance and Counseling. She is an experienced researcher and teacher, an online news analyst and content writer. Sabina has served as preacher, teacher, leader and pastor in New Life AG church, Little Mount, Chennai, and is a senior elder in the church. Her specific focus is on women issues and marital counseling, and on mentoring & mobilizing those over 55. Currently she is pursuing her master’s in ministry, and she is about to publish her second book, The Family & Home at Bethany. Together with her husband she helps families and individuals with counsel, marital/parental skills training, and mentoring. They have three grown children, two of whom are married, all studying and serving in different parts of the world.

Personal blog page is: MULLINGSPICE, Thinkink

Patheos blog page is: SPICEDMULLING

Her book, TEACH US TO PRAY is available on Amazon.