How to See God’s Wonder in Little Things

William Cowper wrote a poem that began with these lines:

God moves in a mysterious way

His wonders to perform;

He plants His footsteps in the sea

And rides upon the storm.

Cowper developed the six verses following these lines into a hymn, Conflict: Light Shining out of Darkness, accompanied by John 13:7.

The phrase “God’s ways are mysterious” suggests that the poet believes there is a deeper, often incomprehensible purpose behind the events and circumstances of life

The Bible says that God speaks to us at various times and in diverse manners. Psalms 19:1 says that the heavens declare the glory of the Lord, and the sky shows His mercy.

Romans 1:20 points out that God has showcased His eternal power and the mystery of His divine being in His creation. If so, then a long and thoughtful look at everything that is seen or happens can help us identify His workings in our day-to-day lives.

The Word of God points out that the earth is the Lord’s and its fullness. Palmist David exclaims that he cannot go anywhere to escape from God and that he can never be away from His presence.

I have found this to be true, especially at a time when I didn’t want to know Him or to speak with Him. Indeed, I couldn’t ignore Him or stop Him from filling me with His presence. Truly, He is the Hound of Heaven, as per the poem by Francis Thompson, an ode that has immortalized in verse the pursuit of the human soul by God’s love.

Not only have I accepted that God is Omniscient and Omnipresent, but I am also fully reconciled and resigned to it. The result of such surrender is that today, I rejoice in seeing and sensing God in small and big things, in subtle and clear shades, in darkness and light, too! I’ve come to understand that there are no coincidences, just God’s incidents since His presence is evident even in random events.

Let me give some examples from my life:

  • One day, I ran out of spending money and urgently needed some. I was reminded of a time when my leader unexpectedly found some money in his pocket when he desperately needed it, even though he didn’t put it there. I went through my cupboards, my handbags, and finally, my documents drawer. I found some money inside our ration card, which was left over from the previous month’s purchase!
  • When I was completing my Masters in Guidance and Counseling, I had to wait for a questionnaire relating to marital counseling from the university. Finding time hanging on my hand, I remembered an uncle who was practicing family law. I visited him and gathered information about the legal process and the reasons behind separation and divorce. After the assessment forms arrived, I did my research, completed my thesis, and took it to my guide for his final signature. The only thing I needed was to submit my thesis. At this point, with just 3 days to the deadline, he tells me I should’ve done a pilot study.

Throughout the writing of my thesis, when I reported my progress to him, he never breathed a word. Now, suddenly, at the penultimate minute, he tells me about this requirement! I was devastated but had to hold my peace since he had the power to delay my completion further. In despair, I cried out to the Lord in my heart, and immediately, the Lord thrilled me with a flash of insight – my pilot study was the interview I had done with my lawyer uncle!

Quietly exultant, I showed my guide my findings, and he accepted them, helped me add some statistical analysis, and finally signed my thesis. I submitted my thesis, albeit a little late, with a fine, which seemed minimal to me compared to the grace of God that enabled me to pass my course with flying colors.

  • When we began small groups, as pastors and leaders of the church, we had to see that the 3000 members of the congregation would be part of one of the groups. Some were quick to see the efficacy of the small groups and readily joined them, while others needed to be persuaded. At the nascent stage of these life groups, identifying people who were open to the idea was key to the growth and proliferation of the groups, as well as crucial for impacting the church. I prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to help me spot such solid potential.

Early on, I quickly identified one such person who was part of the church’s outreach ministry. It took time and pain to seek him out, speak to him, explain the thrust of the church, and then invite him to join my group. To my joy, he joined my group, accepted the teaching, and grew in leaps and bounds, turning out to be a stalwart of the group and a strong supporter of my leadership.

Over time, he became established in sound doctrine, exhibited a Word-based lifestyle, made wise choices commiserate with that of a disciple of Christ, and grew in stature as a potential leader. I encouraged and recommended him to start a life group, and he, in turn, began mentoring others. In time, he grew to be a trustworthy co-worker, a true brother in Christ, and my validator, someone who could carry on the work.

Until recently, he had no clue that I had intentionally picked him out of the many to mentor and equip him in the work of the Lord. It was the Lord who enabled me to single him out of the crowds, just as Apostle Paul did Timothy!

To have these God sightings, as I term them, we need a skill and an ability. Matthew 5:8 says, “You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.” We need to be harmonized with God’s voice and attuned to His wavelength, for He communicates with us every day.

A child develops the skill to identify its mother, her voice, and her touch due to constant association and interaction with her. The more we relate to and spend time with Him, the better we will get accustomed and acclimatized to Him. Then, we will instinctively and intuitively be able to sense Him in everything and anything!

King Solomon the Wise wrote: It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings. We are called to be Kings and Priests unto our God ( Rev 1:6).

Let us be so by recognizing and detecting His power at work, everywhere!

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