How God Uses Our Purpose and Passion

There is such depth and significance to the word “passion.” The more I grow in my faith and become wiser spiritually, I see the passion God has for His Son, Jesus Christ. I think about the passion Jesus had to die on the cross in obedience to His Father. And I think about the passion our Savior has for each of us — that is passion like no other!

A passionate life flows from fixing our eyes on Jesus. He is the catalyst for everything and from Him purpose and passion flows through to His followers.

God blessed me with a considerate and thoughtful heart, but until I discovered His purpose for me I was unable to experience true passion. When I learned that my purpose is Inspiring Trust by Trusting God, it allowed me to point the way to Him rather than to myself. I discovered an intense enthusiasm and a compelling desire to serve others and my passion for Christ drives my purpose for living.

Through my trust in Him, I’ve become an example of how God is molding me at His potter’s wheel to become His “work of art.” In 2013, He began putting women in my life, one by one. I was so inspired by each of them. They had so much joy, passion, and delight in the Lord. I wanted to be like them but never thought that possible.

But with God, never say never! He’s now using me to mentor young women. Last July, I shared my testimony about being lifted out of darkness and into a glorious light in front of 75 women! And in November, I will give a presentation at a women’s retreat about the importance of self-image and the negative impact low self-image can cause. The old me would have never agreed to do these things. I am living proof of what God will do when you trust Him.

These days the world around us can seem pretty bleak. But I’ve purposefully chosen to focus on the goodness of our Lord. The moment I open my eyes in the morning, I feel passionate about living another day to pour my love into others and make a difference in the life of someone else.  And when you allow God to use your strengths you will discover purpose and live passionately!

Discover your purpose and passion when you attend a Women Doing Well Signature Event. Learn more about this gathering and find one near you. 

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