Empowering Women God’s Way

I am the daughter of second generation immigrants from Mexico and Spain; raised by strong women and men who taught me the value of work ethic and pride in who I am. Everyday I was told there was nothing I couldn’t do, and I genuinely believed it.

Some of my earliest memories were of my mother trying to tame my independence and strong willed feminist nature. I wouldn’t let guys in my school carry a box if I could, and recall challenging all the boys to a footrace to prove that I was the fastest in the class. Looking back I know my mother wasn’t trying to suppress this passion within me, but instead she was trying to align it with God’s design for me as a woman before the world mis-shaped this passion. 

As I’ve grown as a woman — specifically a woman of God — I’ve personally watched and wrestled with the wave of womanhood today in our world. Don’t get me wrong, I love that I live in a time where it truly is the best time in history to be a woman. I believe with my whole heart that the Lord is apart of this rise and desires for women to step into spaces for His glory. 

The reality is that we live in a day and age where the rise of women is all around us. The old phrase, ‘anything you can do, I can do better’ has never rung more true with the female voice. From Nike commercials featuring women who are brave to be called ‘crazy’, to Bumble, where women are now empowered to make the first move on a guy, to the Kardashians who have built multi-million dollar empires all centered around a skewed body image. The list goes on and on, but the underlying message is the same:

Women today can do anything men can do.

As a woman rises, a man must fall.

Time’s up, women have the power now.

This world is opening up so many doors for women; in roles and positions that most women have never been in before. I’ve watched as women in my generation are seeing this and gaining a hunger to rise up like never before. I see my generation of women finding a place of belonging like never before. I’m watching as these women full of passion and excitement to fit in as a strong women, lead them in joining movements and causes at the expense of their true identities. 

We are letting our womanhood be influenced by culture; the world tell us what a woman is vs. what the Word of God calls us to be. The world tells us there’s only room for one, while the Word makes room for BOTH men and women to rise. The world is telling us that women who are strong can’t possess a softness, while we read the heroes of faith in the Word and see their tender soft nature come out in the narrative.

I believe that now is the time for the body of Christ to begin to influence what feminism is today. I believe that if we as a church body begin to bring create space for women into our Churches as leaders, bring them into our business’ to be groomed, and into our homes to learn, we will see a shift in who and what defines feminism today.  

We need a fresh wind of true identity for women. 

Our generation needs the church to be the ones to empower us BEFORE culture does. Woman empowerment is using your platform to disciple women by showing them who they truly are in Christ. My hope is that together we can change the narrative on Women Empowerment today.

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