7 Back-to-School Prayers For Your Teen to Grow in Faith and Wisdom

Can you believe summer is almost over? When our children were young, we spent this time gathering school supplies (the elusive plastic yellow folder with pockets), buying whatever lunch box was trending, and shopping for school clothes—all the things that prepare our kids to enter the next grade. However, the school year requires a different kind of preparation for our teenagers.

While we obviously want to encourage them to study hard and increase their knowledge, it is even more important that we use these years to help them grow in faith and wisdom. The probability of someone becoming a Christ follower decreases with age. Numerous studies show that the majority of Christians come to faith before age 18, which means the seeds of faith we sow in our children are so important!

However, the decision to become a Christian is only the beginning of their spiritual journey. During adolescence, we want our teens to truly own their faith and learn for themselves what it looks like to follow Jesus. The school year provides plenty of opportunities for them to grow spiritually, as well as many difficulties that will require the Lord’s wisdom to navigate.

I wish I could hold my teen’s hand and talk them through every challenge like I did when they were little. But if I want them to grow in maturity, I must trust that the Holy Spirit will guide them just as He guides me. Therefore, I’ve learned that the greatest impact we can have on our kids during their teen years is through prayer.

So, as the new school year rolls around, here are seven back-to-school prayers for your teen to grow in faith and wisdom.

Day 1: Hebrews 10:35-11:1

Father, I pray you will fill (my teen) with confidence in Your Truth. Help them persevere when they face trials, trusting that You will honor their faithfulness as they continually do Your will. Help them not shrink back when they face doubts or opposition, but give them faith to believe in You. May they be sure of the hope they find in You and certain that You are present and working, even when they can’t see or feel You. Open the eyes of their heart to know You are there.

Day 2: Joshua 1:7-8

Father, please help (my teen) be strong and courageous. As they face new situations and a new environment, may they be careful to obey Your instructions and listen to the Holy Spirit, not turning away from You even a little bit, so that they may be successful as they follow Your path. May they keep Your Word always on their lips; may they meditate on it day and night so that it will influence their thoughts, choices, and actions. May they prosper and find wisdom and purpose through their faithfulness to You.

Day 3: James 1:5

Father, when (my teen) lacks wisdom and is searching for answers, may they not be deceived by the abundance of information and opinions around them. Instead, may they seek the truth from You and Your Word, knowing that You give generously to all who ask without finding fault. And when they do seek wisdom from You, Lord, may it be given to them along with a heart to apply it.

Day 4: John 10:27

Father, I pray (my teen) will listen to Your voice as a sheep listens to its shepherd, trusting You for guidance, provision, and protection. You know them intimately, Lord. May they know You intimately as well and follow You all their days.

Day 5: Proverbs 3:5-6

Father, I pray (my teen) will learn what it means to trust in You with all their heart. When they face choices and decisions, may they not lean on their understanding but seek Your will and wisdom. May they bring their hopes and desires before You and willingly submit to Your plan, trusting that Your ways are best. As they walk with You daily, may You continue to make their paths straight, keeping them in the center of Your will.

Day 6: 1 Corinthians 10:12-13

Father, it is so easy to think we are firm in our faith, but temptation lurks all around us! I pray  (my teen) will be careful and not fall. Remind them that no temptation is unique to them alone; Satan uses the same bag of tricks on all humanity. May they see through the enemy’s lies and claim this truth:  You are faithful; You will not let them be tempted beyond what they can bear. And when they are tempted, You will provide a way out so that they can endure it.

Day 7: Ephesians 4:14-15

Father, I pray (my teen) will no longer be like an infant, unable to discern truth. May they not be tossed back and forth by the waves of false teaching or cunning people who create You in an image of their choosing. Instead, may they be grounded in truth and speak Your truth in love to others. May they grow to become the mature body of Jesus in every respect, fully devoted to living out Your instructions in a world desperate for truth and grace.

The power of prayer.

There is power in praying the Word of God over our teens. At a time when they don’t always want to listen to their parents, we can be certain that our Heavenly Father hears every word we utter on their behalf. 1 John 5:14 says, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us” (NIV). Our God is faithful; He hears us and desires for our teens to grow in faith and wisdom even more than we do!

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