The 5-Minute Marriage Reset: The Power of a Short Prayer

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.Matthew 18:20

One of the many benefits of a marriage where you are both believers in Christ is that you do not have to walk through anything alone. Many circumstances, stressors, and events can quickly and subtly get between you and your spouse. Taking 5-minutes to say a short prayer can help to create space for your marriage to grow.

However, praying with your spouse may not be on your mind when you are discouraged or angry. Especially if there is some tension between the two of you, it can be difficult to feel like you are in the mood to say a prayer. Sometimes, you may need to ask God to help soften your heart before suggesting a 5-minute marriage reset.

The key will be to catch the moment before it gets to the point where you don’t feel like connecting with your spouse. It is important to be self-aware of your feelings and notice when those emotions are starting to build. It is OK to take a short break to reset your emotions before approaching your mate and asking them to pray with you.

The Best Time to Have a 5-Minute Marriage Reset

There are many benefits to starting your day in prayer. Daily prayer will enhance and grow your relationship with God. Once you start including your spouse in the process, the benefits of routine daily prayer will overflow into your relationship with them. Starting in the morning is a great time to have a marriage reset; this will ensure your day together is off to the right start.

Praying together before going to bed is also a wonderful time to have a reset because this will allow you both to bring forth anything that might be putting a wedge between you two. If you pray in the morning, you may have a few prayer requests because you are just starting your day. However, you will have plenty of opportunities to share your worries, fears, and discoveries, and you will have so much more to pray about.

Make Your Marriage Reset a Time of No Judgement

It takes a lot for someone to open their heart and mind with someone. Dedicating five minutes to pray with your spouse is an opportunity for you to minister to their heart. You will be able to comfort them as Jesus comforts us. Praying for someone else is a very important ministry, and praying for your spouse is a privilege and should not be taken lightly. Creating a space where the two of you can be vulnerable and real will create space for The Holy Spirit to move in the areas of your life that need a breakthrough.

Surrender Everything to God

Approaching this new habit of praying with your spouse can easily become legalistic. You might miss opportunities or need to know what to pray about. You might have some expectations that may or may still need to be met. The unmet expectations can quickly turn into resentment and hinder your prayer life with your spouse. Learning to surrender these expectations and being in the moment will allow for deep connection instead of feeling like a chore. Praying with your spouse doesn’t have to be complicated, and it doesn’t have to happen all the time. Creating space for the daily connection and reset will create opportunities for you to connect to God.

Topics to Pray Over With Your Spouse

I think the best way to utilize your time praying with your spouse is to pray whatever is on your heart at the time. Of course, you need to feel comfortable sharing what is in your heart with your spouse, and this can be challenging. Some days, you will have a lot to pray about and other days, you will have a difficult time coming up with something to pray about, and that is OK, too.

Here are five topics you can focus on when praying with your spouse, one for each weekday:

  1. Your finances – Pray about how you can reduce debt and give more. Ask God for wisdom on what your next steps should be with your finances and how to manage them according to His will.
  2. Your family – Talk about your vision for your family with your spouse and use those as prayer points. This is also a great opportunity to pray about anything that is worrying you or any trials you are facing within your family.
  3. Your church – Pray over ways you can grow in your church and anything that is causing you stress or hindering your walk.
  4. Your marriage—Discuss areas you would like to see growth in your marriage. This can be a difficult topic and may already strain a moment when you are trying to connect. Proceed with caution and make sure you are able to convey your needs in a respectful and helpful way.
  5. Your work-life balance—It is easy to make everything work and have no play in a marriage. Pray about how you can incorporate fun into your marriage and prioritize family over business or work.

The 5-Minute Marriage Rest Sample Prayer

It is so important to find a way to make your prayer time with your partner meaningful to you both. Prayer can bridge the gap where communication is lacking. Here is a short prayer you can use during a 5-minute marriage reset:

Start with sharing your personal prayer requests and have each one pray over the prayer requests during your prayer time.


Dear Heavenly Father, we come to you today with gratitude for one another and for the opportunity to approach your throne of grace. Your Word says where two or more are gathered in Your name, You are there. Father, we need you in our marriage, our home, and our work. Right now, we are struggling to connect, and there are some deep emotions and wounds that need healing. I own my part and confess that I have been ____________ (use this opportunity to confess to God what you feel has been contributing to the disconnection, then pray over the prayer request of your spouse.) Holy Spirit, we ask for you to show us how to break free from what is holding us back from connecting. Thank you for always being there and for healing our hearts and our marriage. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen


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