Revival Ready

For anyone wondering how to make sense of this wild world. For anyone wandering in the swirl of uncertainty. Please don’t throw up your white flag in surrender unless it is to surrender to Jesus as Lord, Savior, Almighty, Good Father.

The other day, I was tempted to throw in the towel as I wallowed in hopelessness. I asked the Lord why He tarries in revival. These are the questions that came to mind:

 — Where are those who choose worship, true worship, of the One True God rather than cowering locked down in fear?

— Where are those who see past the thin veil of this very clear and present darkness and decide to hold the line by living out Gospel-centered restoration and truth?

— Where are those willing to risk in order to be, actually BE, in the flesh ministers of this healing Gospel?

— Where are those who are tired of the couch of complacent faith and decide the narrow road to follow The Way, The Truth, The Life (Jesus) is worth shaking off comfort and safety?

— Where are those who know the work of the Cross is in personal salvation AND global restoration/reconciliation back to what once was before sin wreaked havoc?

— Who will plead the blood of Jesus over our culture of murder, corruption, self-loving, idol-ridden nation?

— Who will then look with a Gospel-lens to let the work of their hand bring Kingdom restoration to our schools, the arts, entertainment, government, financial systems, etc?

Why am I exhorting you right now?

Because I believe there will be and has been a Holy Pursuit colliding with a holy desperation.

A Holy God pursuing His people that will seek His face and draw near.

A Holy God who pursued His creation with divine reconciliation at the Cross to defeat sin and death. His resurrection is an act of pursuing a people who live with resurrection eyes with clarity, vision, humility.

Those seem like big asks, yes. But these wild days call for those who claim Jesus as Lord and Savior to step wildly into the power of the Spirit of the Living God. This is an Isaiah 6 moment. Who are those that will cry:

Holy, Holy, Holy are you LORD!

Forgive me, cleanse my heart, purify my hands…


That SEND ME declaration is best positioned not only with the Holy Desperation but a posture of prayer. In the days of old, revival came only after prayer and worship. Prayer is the act of leaning in to listen to the heartbeat of our loving Father. When we pray and delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart. (Psalm 37:4)

The caveat to that is what changes in us when we delight ourselves in Him. When we seek out God Himself — and no other person or thing — the desires of our heart turn into a burning for His presence. More of God Himself means more restoration of our homes, our cities, our nation. More of God Himself means mercy pours out and justice is served…righteous justice, that is. More of God Himself means we don’t live in a scarcity mindset, but as people loved. Do we truly know how His presence and love changes everything? 

Yes! This is who I want to run with: those people who are desperate for God Himself not what He provides, offers, does, gives. I believe there’s a remnant of believers who carry God’s presence with value like a block of gold and forsaking that which only temporarily glitters. Because they know that Jesus changes everything. 

Want to run together in this holy desperation? Yes, revival ready we are! I’ve prepared a guide to prayer that will serve as a runway to position you before the Lord in prayer and worship sweet to the ear of the Lord. He is enthroned up on the praises of His people. I also believe the Lord moves upon the prayers of those desperate for Him alone.

Join me for the next 7 days over on the iDisciple app for The Vibrant Life: Revival Ready Prayer Guide growth plan. I invite you to offer up bold declarations, to go low in confession and cleansing repentance, to approach the Lord on behalf of our nation, to seek His face with abandon. 

Revival starts with you and it starts with me. We are ready, Lord, have YOUR way. Amen? Amen!

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