Bible 101: What I Wish I Knew Sooner!

Catastrophic events often leave us grappling for something solid to hold onto. For many, the Bible becomes a lifeline, but understanding how to approach it effectively can feel overwhelming. As a lifelong learner who has navigated life’s ups and downs, I’ve come to appreciate the profound wisdom within its pages. The Bible isn’t just a book; it’s a life guide that can help us navigate our journeys with purpose and clarity. Here are five essential tips I wish I had known earlier—insights that could’ve made the trip smoother and enhanced its role as a source of comfort and direction.

It’s Your GPS For Life

I always thought the Bible was a rulebook, but it’s much more than that. It’s a roadmap for life, offering direction, guidance, and insight into the paths we should take and the detours we should avoid. Like a road trip, life can get bumpy, and we may find ourselves lost or unsure of where to go next. So, think of the Bible as your personal GPS for life, illuminating the way forward even when the journey becomes challenging.

The Bible offers practical advice on navigating relationships, handling difficult situations, and making choices that align with our values. Remember, it’s not just a collection of stories; it’s your life guide. So, whether we’re facing a crisis or simply navigating the daily challenges of life, the Bible’s timeless principles can help us find direction and purpose.

It’s a Conversation With God

I wish I’d known the importance of starting with prayer earlier. Specifically, start each reading session with a prayer for understanding. This simple act can transform your Bible reading experience, making it feel more like a conversation than a chore.

Along with opening the door to understanding, prayer invites God into a conversation. You see, reading the Bible isn’t just about gathering information; it’s about building a relationship with God.

I also suggest writing down your thoughts and reflections as you read; this practice allows you to engage with God personally. As I rebuilt my life, I found that writing down my prayers and thoughts created a dialogue with God, an interactive conversation. In When Your World Ends, a deep dive into the creation story in Genesis 1, I talk about how journalling prayers became a cornerstone for processing my emotions and finding direction again (Chapter 6, p. 81, 86-88).

Remember, the Bible speaks to you right where you are, so expect it to resonate with your current circumstances. Prayer is not just a pre-reading ritual; it’s an invitation to connect deeply with your Creator. God’s Word is living and active, speaking into our “now” moments. So, don’t rush the conversation—let God speak.

It’s Not a Quick Read—It’s a Deep Dive

In our fast-paced world, we often seek quick answers and instant gratification. However, when it comes to the Bible, consistency beats intensity every time. Even if you can only spare five minutes a day, those moments can be transformative.

When I first started reading the Bible, I felt pressured to read as much as possible. But real transformation came when I slowed down and dug deep. Reading the Bible isn’t about speed; it’s about depth. Also, you don’t need to start at Genesis and read straight through—begin with passages that speak to where you are now. In my own experience, I found the most profound insights came after wrestling with tough passages over time.

Give yourself permission to take your time and meditate on the Word—don’t rush through verses just to check them off your list. It’s perfectly okay to re-read passages until they click. Take your time; meditate on what speaks to you rather than trying to read cover to cover in record time.

It’s Got a Playlist For Every Mood—Psalms

When life gets overwhelming, or you find yourself in need of comfort, dive into the Book of Psalms. They can be a perfect starting point, much like an emotional playlist for every season of life. This collection of poetry and prayers perfectly captures a range of moods—whether you’re experiencing joy, sorrow, or a longing for peace. Psalms provide language for our emotions and remind us that expressing our feelings to God is both natural and necessary.

Whether you need solace, encouragement, or space to lament, the Psalms meet you right where you are. Each Psalm offers unique insights into the human experience and highlights God’s faithfulness throughout history. During my grief, Psalm 23 became my anchor; the imagery of God as my shepherd reassured me that even in the darkest valleys, I was never alone. So, let the Psalms be your go-to resource for encouragement and comfort when you need it most.

It’s Okay to Question—Growth Starts There!

One of the most liberating lessons I’ve learned is that questioning what you read in the Bible is not only acceptable but essential! Curiosity doesn’t indicate doubt; it shows you’re invested in seeking truth. It’s through wrestling with hard truths that we grow. Don’t shy away from the challenging parts of Scripture—those are often where the most profound insights lie. Keep asking questions and seeking answers without pressure to understand everything immediately.

Real talk: some parts will challenge you, but remember it’s not about perfection—progress is the goal. You don’t have to read the Bible for hours each day to grow spiritually; start small, be consistent, and watch how it transforms you over time.

Yes, I wish someone had told me earlier that the Bible isn’t just a book—it’s a living guide, a conversation, and a deep well of wisdom. Engaging with it isn’t just about reading words on a page—it’s about cultivating a deeper relationship with God and allowing His wisdom to shape your path forward.

Engaging with the Bible is one of life’s most rewarding pursuits. By viewing it as a life guide, initiating conversations with God, committing to consistent reading, exploring Psalms for comfort, and embracing questions as part of your growth journey, you’ll discover its profound impact on your life. The journey might not be easy, but with God’s guidance, it’ll always lead to growth.

Happy reading!

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