5 Often Overlooked Divine Invitations

In just eight months, I faced two consecutive miscarriages and the death of my husband, Reggie. These profound and unexpected losses left me feeling adrift and deeply shaken. Life can indeed be unpredictable and tumultuous, often pushing us into uncertainty after significant, life-altering events. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a sudden job change, or a deep personal betrayal, such events can shake our faith and leave us feeling disconnected from God. However, even in our darkest moments, God is actively pursuing us, using a series of divine invitations to draw us closer to Him and help us rebuild our lives.

As humans, we often try to make sense of our experiences and understand the reasons behind certain events. Yet, when confronted with profound loss and pain, these questions can feel unanswerable, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and lost. The pain and confusion can cause us to withdraw, not only from the world around us but from our relationship with God. We may feel abandoned, questioning why a loving God would allow such suffering.

In my suffering, my spiritual life began to take a backseat as I struggled to cope with my new reality. You see when Reggie was alive, we had a routine: Reggie would awaken first, spend time with God, and then wake me so we could pray together before he left for work. Afterward, I’d have my time with God.

After his death, Reggie’s absence disrupted my ability to pray and read the Bible, creating a gap that made God feel distant. This spiritual drifting is a common response to grief and trauma, but it’s during these moments that God’s pursuit becomes most evident.

God’s Pursuit Through Divine Invitations

God’s love for us is relentless, and He employs a variety of means to reach out to us, especially when we feel furthest from Him. These divine invitations manifest in many forms, each designed to gently guide us back to Him and help us rediscover purpose and meaning.

Silence and Solitude

My journey back to God began in the silence and solitude created by the void left by Reggie’s absence. In those quiet moments, God would interrupt my thoughts, speaking to me most clearly. Amid my pain and confusion, God used silence to speak words of comfort, hope, and healing.

Action Step:
1. Set aside dedicated time each day for quiet reflection.
2. Find a peaceful spot where you can be alone without distractions.
3. Use this time to open your heart and mind to God’s whispers, allowing Him to provide comfort, hope, and guidance in your life.

Nature and Creation

Next, God spoke to me through the beauty and majesty of His creation. A breathtaking sunset, a quiet forest, or a star-filled night sky served as powerful reminders of God’s presence and His invitation to reconnect with Him. This was especially true for me during my walks in nature, where I found peace and solace amidst the chaos of my circumstances.

Action Step: Make time regularly to immerse yourself in nature, whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply sitting outside during sunset. Let the beauty of creation remind you of God’s presence and divine invitations to connect with Him.


As humans, we’re created for connection and community. During difficult times, it can be easy to isolate ourselves and push others away. But as an extrovert, I’m energized by people, so I need to be around people to feel alive. Through my family, friends, and church community, I experienced God’s love through the support and encouragement of others. They reminded me that I wasn’t alone and helped me see God’s hand in my life, even amidst tragedy.

Action Step:
1. Reach out to friends and family or join a community group.
2. Engage in regular social activities and lean on your support system for encouragement and strength.
3. Allow others to remind you of God’s love and presence through their support and care.


God speaks to us deeply through song, especially worship music. Music has a unique way of opening our hearts and minds to receive His love and guidance. Music can bring peace, joy, and a renewed sense of purpose. For me, worship music became an opportunity to surrender my pain and confusion to God and let Him heal me through movement.

Action Step:
1. Find ways to incorporate worship music into your daily life.
2. Sing along, meditate on the lyrics, and let the music draw you closer to God.
3. Attend a church service with uplifting worship music, or create your own playlist of inspiring songs.
4. Let the power of music help you connect with God.


Lastly, God pursued me through movement. As I began to heal from my losses, I found that exercising and moving my body helped me process my emotions and find clarity in my thoughts. Whether it was a walk outside or an exercise class, these moments of physical activity became times of connecting with God and receiving His guidance and peace.

Action Step: Find ways to incorporate movement into your daily routine. This could be as simple as taking a walk, dancing in your room, or joining a fitness class. Allow the physical activity to become an opportunity for connection with God and allow Him to guide you through your movements.

Just as a gardener tends to their plants, nurturing them for growth and fruitfulness, God uses these divine invitations to tend to our hearts and draw us closer to Him. It may be hard to see or understand at the moment, but looking back, it becomes clear that God was actively pursuing us all along, using every circumstance for our good. His divine invitations are always there, waiting for us to accept them and draw closer to Him.

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