3 Truths When You Wish You Could Escape Suffering

My body and soul hit a wall of despair and anxiety. I quietly stormed out of the house like a caged animal needing to taste fresh air and walk off these burdensome thoughts. Finances, marriage, parenting—each feel heavy in this halfway season of life. As I walked briskly, my heart pumping, I prayed for God to let me bypass these burdens. With each step, these three truths helped me continue moving when I wished to escape simply.

1. God never sleeps.

We may reassess the rhythms of life in each season to make it more manageable, but the to-dos and stresses of life most certainly never cease. If only we could get off the hamster wheel of meal planning, errand running, homework checking, and bill paying, but we cannot. No matter how we wish them away, each area is essential to our daily life in some way. It is a great comfort to remember that God sees our days on repeat. He knows our constant striving toward productivity, our propensity to survive simply, and our tendency to rely on our own understanding.

As I started around the trail near my house, the 100-degree heat beating down on my shoulders, God reminded me that He not only sees and knows the weights around my heart but also never sleeps. Even as I rest, God is working.

“He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber. The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand.” (Psalm 121: 3,5 NIV)
Do you wish you could run away from the hardships of life, leaving behind what trips you up from true joy? Remember, you have a God who will keep you from stumbling into purposeless pain. He watches over your every worry, and he is awake to your every need.

2. God’s goodness pursues you.

I glanced down at my watch to note my pace. My brisk walk turned into a slow jog as my physical need to shed the shackles of doubt increased. It was clear I could not outrun the pain points in my life, but I wanted to outrun God’s plan for me into a better one.

Surely, I could work my way out of worry. More money sounds like a practical answer until I remember the deceitfulness of riches. A more intentional marriage sounds admirable until I realize my spouse is not intended to function as a savior. An easier journey through parenting paints my expectations with rose-colored strokes until I remember valuable lessons are learned through the challenges.The worship song plays, resounding this truth through my ear drum and straight to my heart.

Your goodness is running after; it’s running after me
Your goodness is running after; it’s running after me
With my life laid down, I’m surrendered now
I give You everything
Because Your goodness is running after, it’s running after me

Each heavy footstep joined in unison with the beat of truth. God’s goodness is running after me. As much as I want to escape at times or trade in my life for another’s, this truth anchors me in the depths of God’s steadfast love.

When your heart beats heavily, doubts grow to despair, or your pace speeds ahead of His, remember God’s goodness and mercy will pursue you all the days of your life (Psalm 23:6 NIV). Even now, you cannot outrun or out-think Him. All He asks is that we respond with a simple surrender and trust in His goodness. No matter the pace, what would it take to yield to where He is leading?

3. Faithfulness is fruitful.

It is easy to forget the fruitfulness of faithfulness. Images swirl around our feeds that promise fleeting earthly rewards for our wearying work. Yet, God promises a treasure altogether better: God-glorifying fruit today and an eternal reward of rest for tomorrow.
So, if you’re ready to quit the journey of faith, wondering if anything good is growing, feast your eyes on this truth from Romans 5:3-5. “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (ESV)

When we are faithful to look to God for our next step, He promises to lead us into a life of fruitfulness. As I rounded the corner to return home, sweat beading up along my brow, my eyes glanced up ahead. My heartbeat began to slow. My body was tired, but my mind was surprisingly less anxious about the road ahead as the song closed in a sweet refrain:

And all my life, You have been faithful
And all my life, You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

Despite your exhaustion today, how can you awaken your eyes to God’s faithfulness in suffering seasons of the past and rest in His enduring faithfulness now?
Even in the moments when you want to escape the cares and concerns of this life or run from the hardships, God’s goodness pursues you. His love and mercy chase you every single day. So, as you continue to take one step after another, allow these truths to slow your beating heart to a pace of peace.

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