3 Tips for Managing a Second Job

As an Administrative Rockstar at brightpeak financial, I have spent the last few years managing the schedules of some very busy people in my day job. So, I know a thing or two about making the most of my time. This skill really has come in handy over the past year as I have had to juggle two jobs, two kids, and still manage to have a life.

Here are three tips on managing a second job:

1.  Use a calendar!

Using a calendar to manage your time is a basic and impactful way to organize your life.  Whether you use a calendar on your phone or you use a paper planner, this tool will help you stay on task and make the most of your busy schedule. Also, keep in mind that is it okay to reschedule appointments in order to juggle two jobs, family and a social life.  Don’t be afraid to move things around. In the words of Tim Gunn, “Make it work!”

2.   If your second job doesn’t have set hours, working in your “spare time” is not going to cut it.

If your second job allows you to be your own boss and work whatever hours you want, make sure you are setting aside a specific time each week to work on your business.  The truth is, we really never have spare time; there is always something you could or should be doing.  Making your second job a priority and dedicating time in your week to work on your business is extremely important for you to succeed in this type of role.

3.  Ditch the Excuses.

There is a quote I once read that is about running which I think you can apply to managing a second job:

“There is someone busier than you running right now.”

This quote reminds me that no matter how busy I think I am, there is always someone working harder and being more successful.  So the next time you think you don’t have time or are too busy for your second job, remember that there are people out there with two jobs who are busier than you are.  They are making it work by managing their time in order to achieve their goals.

Having a specific goal about why you chose your second job in the first place will help you stay motivated to manage your schedule. For me, the goal of becoming debt free has helped me stick to my schedule and manage my second job with minimal stress. 

What motivates you to have a second job and balance a busy schedule?

Written by Amelia Hobbins

This blog post is from the Author’s perspective and doesn’t speak for brightpeak financial. Contact brightpeak if you want to know more about brightpeak products, and keep in mind that they are not available in all states and there are some limitations (some exclusions and restrictions may apply).


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