Having been trained by the best Enneagram experts and pouring hundreds of hours into advanced certifications, Beth is now leading the industry in simplifying the deep truths of the Enneagram from a Biblical perspective. Beth’s passion is to make the Enneagram accessible for everyone, anywhere, so they can experience the transformation they long for.
This includes one-on-one coaching, in-person events and workshops and online courses. She also offers training and support for those interested in becoming an Enneagram coach.
Keep up with the latest from Beth at Your Enneagram Coach and on Instagram!
At Home
Beth’s favorite hobbies are studying and producing helpful Enneagram resources, fly fishing, and driving through the beautiful hillsides of Tennessee with her family.
Beth lives outside of Nashville and has been married to her best friend, Jeff, for 23 years (Type 6, Loyal Guardian). They have two adult children, Nate (a Type 6, Loyal Guardian) and Libby (a Type 2, Supportive Advisor).
Combining the gospel and the Enneagram has been instrumental in Beth and Jeff’s marriage and parenting.