“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example by what you say and how you live…”

Not long ago my middle daughter brought this verse home from Sunday school. Initially, my husband and I asked her to repeat the verse over and over again, not because of its profoundness, but simply because of her cute voice and demeanor as she recited it. The mix of our six year olds three year old tone and how she referenced the scripture was too much to bear; “1 Timothy 4 ‘DOT DOT’ 12.”

How adorable is that?!

After having her on repeat for a little while and giggling every time she uttered “dot dot,” the great truth of this verse finally began to sink deeper and deeper into my spirit. Quite honestly, my life gives validity to this scripture.

About two years ago, in an attempt to offer my daughters and their immediate friends an alternative to the negative images and messages on our television and in other forms of media, I set out on an unknown journey to create a small paper resource that they could enjoy. It turns out, I ended up creating a magazine for all young girls, For Girls Like You.

Through this endeavor God has caused my path to cross with 10 year old missionaries, 13 year old book authors, 9 year old award winning actresses and 19 year old Grammy nominated musicians who are not ashamed to put Christ first. These ladies have shared their hearts, delivered profound wisdom and set an example for young girls that read For Girls Like You…and for myself. These girls aren’t perfect; in fact, I have often seen them verbalize how God has used their imperfections for his glory.

As I think about my life, I cannot tell you how unbelievably thankful I am to God for proving this scripture in my life. After all, I am a product of a broken home, raised by my mother and grandmother in an impoverished, inner city neighborhood. Everyone would give me an excuse to look down on myself as they easily took the same position. I’m thankful for the Paul’s in my life. My mother, my grandmother, my uncles and aunts, and other images of Christ that taught me this scripture in action has always inspired me to be an example; I’m just now realizing it.

God can use anyone. God does use anyone.

How different would our world, our neighborhoods, and our homes look if children embraced this message and lived its truth?

How different would it look if we, as parents, embraced this message and delivered the power of this truth to our children and those we mentor?

Friends, God can use our children.

Don’t look down on them. Don’t doubt what God has in store for them and don’t lower your expectations for your children because of surrounding circumstances. Pray about how you can encourage your children and prepare them for what God has for them to do.

Whether its missions work later in life or inviting a friend to church this weekend…God sees our kids as more than “cute,” but rather examples, testimonies and leaders!

Share one way you can encourage your children in this truth today!