“He makes me laugh!” Have you ever heard a woman say this about someone they’re interested in? Humor was one of the reasons I initially showed interest in my husband (between that and his board game skills, I was done for).

Fun and laughter in a relationship are important!

Finding someone who can make you smile and connect with you on that level is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Is it the most important thing in a marriage?


Does the fact that someone makes you laugh mean you should spend forever with them?

Not necessarily.

However, humor is incredibly beneficial in a relationship and plays a significant role in marriage as God designed it. How can humor bring you and your spouse closer?

Humor Creates a Connection Point

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15).

Feeling connected on an emotional level is necessary for any key relationship in your life. Sometimes, laughter can seem surface-level. Between strangers, it often is.

As you develop a deep relationship with your spouse, you get to know them personally and find out what makes them laugh.

Your spouse’s sense of humor might not be the same as your co-workers’ or even the general population’s. But when you can find out what makes them crack a smile, it shows that you pay attention and know them well. You know what can cheer them up, like you know exactly how to push their buttons to get a rise out of them. Pro tip: the former is usually a better choice!

Humor Lightens the Mood

“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22).

There’s a time and place for laughter, and some situations are not appropriate for cracking jokes. Other times, it can be beneficial to lighten a tense situation or “laugh to keep from crying.”

A little laughter can turn your whole day around. Maybe things at work have been stressful, or you’re just having an off day. When you and your spouse share a light-hearted moment, it can put things back in their place.

Humor is Good for You!

“All the days of the afflicted are evil, but the cheerful of heart has a continual feast” (Proverbs 15:15).

We all know it feels good to laugh, but have you ever wondered why?

From boosting your mood to lowering stress levels and even improving your immune system, laughter has both physical and mental health benefits!

When you make your spouse laugh, not only are you two bonding, but you’re taking care of each other as well. Living a long, healthy, and happy life together is no joke. It turns out life should be filled with them!

Humor is God-Given

“He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with shouting” (Job 8:21).

We are created in the image of God, and throughout Scripture, we see glimpses of his humor. Several verses refer to joy and laughter.

God created us as human beings with an array of emotions and physical responses to these emotions. When we’re sad, touched, overwhelmed, or upset, we cry.

When we’re happy or entertained, we laugh.

Humor Has its Limits

Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving” (Ephesians 5:4).

Before you go about your day trying to get your spouse to laugh, there are a few things to keep in mind. As Christians, we need to be mindful that we are a reflection of Christ in this world. Sometimes, the things society thinks are funny should not be a subject of laughter to us.

We should never mock anyone or make a joke at the expense of others. If it’s hurtful toward someone, then it’s not truly funny.

Since your spouse is the most important earthly relationship you’ll have, you must be careful not to say something jokingly that could hurt their feelings. Hurts cut a lot deeper when they come from someone close to you.

Laughter is meant to build connection and joy between one another, not break it.

Laugh Out Loud, In Real Life

Here’s to harmless, light-hearted humor!

Here’s to the quiet giggles, the slanted smirks, the knowing look of inside jokes, and the full-on belly laugh.

Here’s to laughing so hard you cry.

Let’s have fun with our spouses and make joy and laughter a daily habit in our marriages.