It’s not a bad thing to feel lonely. In fact, if you’re dealing with loneliness, it’s a good sign that in an age of AI and technology, you are still human. You are alive and craving companionship.

God has designed us for community. We are wired for friendship. Life is sweeter when shared with someone. The Bible tells us that two are better than one.

“Two are better than one… If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NIV

Two are better than one.

Two are better than one. Peanut butter is better with jelly. Cheese with crackers, milk with cookies… well, you get my point. A cup of coffee is better shared with a friend. And, in times of disaster, a neighbor close by is better than a relative far away.

So, how do we move past loneliness? In an age of isolation, how can we build community?

I’ve found it begins with acknowledging the roadblocks that hold us back from friendship. The pandemic had a very real effect on how we interact with others. Our feelings of isolation are compounded by our society’s obsession with social media.

You’re not the only one feeling lonely. We’re all having to find a new way to build community in a post-pandemic, technologically-dependent world.

Finding community.

We all know the cliché “If you want a friend, be a friend.” Beyond that, friendship requires vulnerability and time. It takes time to pause when you’re pulling out of your driveway, roll the window down, and say hello to your neighbor.

It takes vulnerability to open your home and let people see the unfiltered you – the dust on the furniture and the toys on the floor.

And it requires compassion and a forgiving spirit to get close to people and let them get close to you! Only God is infallible – the rest of us have our flaws and blindspots that require grace.

The challenges are real. Life can get messy when we open our hearts and doors to one another.

And yet – two are better than one.

It takes intentionality.

It takes intentionality to find and build community. It takes creativity and courage, but if we’re tired of feeling lonely, the effort is worth it.

Here’s a quick list of intentional steps you can take to reclaim community.

If you don’t have a friend, be one. A simple smile in the checkout lane can make someone’s day!

If you don’t know your neighbor’s name, walk next door with a plate of cookies and introduce yourself. Don’t have time to bake? Write a nice note or pick up a gift card.

Instead of meeting someone at Starbucks, invite them into your home. Connections are built when we open our lives to others in this personal way.

If you don’t have the energy to invite people to dinner, offer dessert! Pick up a cheesecake or a pack of cookies and offer iced tea or coffee. I’ve found the conversation is just as rich – and the effort much more manageable in a busy schedule.

Instead of texting, make that phone call! Years ago, it was easy to pick up the phone and talk. In the age of smartphones, texting seems easier and less intrusive. But a text cannot replace the human voice. Resist the urge to text and just call.

If you’re working remotely, close your computer at the end of the day and get out among people. Go to a park, sit in a restaurant – find people and enjoy face-to-face, in-person interaction.

If you see a need, become an answer. Once we become intentional in creating community, our eyes open to see the needs of others. Pray for one another. Offer words of encouragement or comfort. Be the hands and feet of Jesus.

Community matters. We are better together, especially if Jesus is the center of every interaction and every friendship. Two are better than one – and a cord of three strands is not easily broken.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12