Best Bible Study Routine for a Busy Mom

Imagine a day with me. You wake up intending to read your Bible before your kids wake up and start to make your coffee. You flip through a few pages of your Bible, trying to remember where you left off in your study, and by the time your coffee is ready, one of the kiddos is already awake. You pour them a glass of milk, and give them something to do while you sit down with your Bible for a minute. Not even 3 minutes later, your kid is looking for breakfast and now another kid is tumbling down the stairs, ready for the day. You give up on the Bible reading, saying you will come back to it later.  

Car lines, errand runs, work meetings, and then dinner prep quickly consume the rest of your day. You have dinner as a family, and then walk the dog. You haven’t had a grown-up conversation with your husband all day, so as the kids are watching TV winding down for bed, you sneak in a “how was your day?” conversation. Baths all around, teeth brushed, books read, and kids tucked in. You finally get a chance to relax a little bit … after you wipe down the kitchen counters and prep school lunches for the next day.  

You fall into bed, and unfortunately, you never had the chance to come back to your Bible reading.  

How often does this happen to you? If I am being honest, it happens to me! It seems like if I miss my reading in the morning, I can go the whole day without giving it a second thought. 

Becoming a mom changes things. You have a million things competing for your attention. Yet, as a believer, we know the importance of consistently and regularly connecting with God through His Word. How do we fit it in?!  

The best Bible study routine for a busy mom is simple: focus on connecting with God, not on perfecting your Bible reading plan.  


Let’s imagine the day in a different way.  

You wake up before the kids again, and as the coffee is brewing you breathe out a quick prayer, thanking God for a new day. You open your Bible to the reading plan you have been following, but your kiddo wakes up and you don’t get a chance to read. They see the Bible open and ask you about what you are learning. You take the opportunity to tell them about the story you read yesterday and have a quick conversation over your morning coffee and milk. Now the rest of the house is starting to stir, so you get ready for the day.  

You have it in your mind that you want to still get in your Bible reading for the day, but your focus is no longer on the perfect morning routine, but instead on getting to know God better. So after you drop the kids off at school, you listen to a chapter of the Bible in your car on your way to run errands. You want to dig in later, but for now, it is nice to hear a familiar story of Jesus, reminding you of His character as you move into your day.  

Your attitude is better, you don’t mind the busyness of the day, and you joyfully serve your family dinner. Your dog walk turns into a prayer walk as well, and you talk to God about what’s on your heart, what is worrying you, and what you are looking forward to. You see how He was working throughout each part of your day, not limited by the outline of your Bible study plan.  He was even in the early wake up from the children.  

You get the opportunity to connect with your husband for a bit before the kids go to bed and your day winds down peacefully. You don’t feel guilt or shame for not carving out time to dig deeper into that chapter later, but instead you are simply grateful for a day spent with your family, and a God Who loves you unconditionally. 

The circumstances of the day didn’t change all that much between the two stories, yet the attitude of how to connect with God made all the difference.  

The best Bible study routine for a busy mom? One that focuses on getting to know Who God is, even if it is only in the cracks of your day. During this season, it’s connection over perfection, dear mama.  


Eva Kubasiak is passionate about breaking down barriers to Bible study so beginners can learn and love God’s Word. She helps people learn how to meet God on the pages of the Bible. As a student of the Bible for over 20 years, Eva helps women move from intimidated and confused by the Bible to confident and joyful in their approach to Scripture. She does this through her podcast Bible Study Made Simple, her course The Word in Color, and her Simple Bible Study Journal. Learn more about her on her website or follow her on Instagram.

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