5 Promises God Offers Your Grieving Heart on Mother’s Day

My mom died more than 25 years ago. I’ve lived longer without her than I ever lived with her. I don’t remember the sound of her voice or the details of her face. I don’t remember the feel of her hand in mine or the warmth of her hugs. The scent of Estee Lauder’s Youth Dew brings back grainy glimpses, but not nearly enough for me to hold onto.

Yet, when I don’t feel well, I want my mom’s care. When I question my abilities as a mother myself, I want her assurance. When I start to break under the pressures of being a woman in our demanding culture, I want her to lend me her strength. Years might erase the outward details of my mom, but the comfort and love she provided in our years together remain etched on my heart. I will always miss her and the way she took care of me.

Grieving on Mother’s Day.

Since my mom’s death, Mother’s Day reminds me of loss. Even after becoming a mom myself, my thoughts hold the nuances of grief and joy. I know many of you carry a weight of grief, too, on Mother’s Day. Some days feel lighter than others. Yet, the loss of our moms on Mother’s Day isn’t usually one of those days. For others, our grief is rooted in a distant or painful relationship with our moms, the loss of a child, or a struggle with becoming a mother.

While your grief feels uniquely your own, He doesn’t leave you alone with it. The Lord loves you and invites you to take shelter under His wings. If Mother’s Day looms heavy and dark in your heart and mind, meditate on these five promises God offers you. Allow Him to bring His light and love to your day.

God offers His presence.

Psalm 34:18 reads, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” David wrote those words while hiding in a cave with his men, fearing for his life. When we grieve, darkness can seem to descend around us, and all color drains from our lives. We, too, can feel like we’re moving in the shadows of a cavern while everyone else walks in the sun. Yet, God isn’t far away in these moments. He draws closer to us. He sits with us in the darkness and shines the glory of His presence on you.

God offers comfort.

We don’t need to list all the burdens of our hearts on this day. Each beat of our crushed heart sends a message to God. He knows us inside and out because His loving hands knit us together in our mothers’ wombs. And hundreds of years before He even created us, He made us this promise in Isaiah 66:13: “As a mother comforts her son, so I will comfort you.” God speaks with such tenderness to His children. He doesn’t leave you to grieve alone. He wants to hold you and whisper into your ears that everything will be okay. He’s right there with you. God’s lavish comfort will never be separated by death and is always available to you.

God offers strength.

On Mother’s Day, God offers His comforting presence and strength to sustain us in the midst of sorrow. Isaiah 41:10 says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Grief can knock us down and steal our breath. Yet, God will hold us up and give us the strength to make it through the day. He doesn’t promise it will be easy, but He does promise to be with us and strengthen us.

God offers us healing.

When our hearts shatter, we can feel like we will never be whole again. Yet, Psalm 147:3 tells us, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Let this verse serve as a reminder that God sees the depths of your pain on Mother’s Day (and every other day!), and He offers to tend up those wounds gently.

He offers us hope.

Scripture includes story after story of God redeeming painful situations. We may not know the timing, or honestly, be patient in waiting for the grieving to lessen. However, we can rest in hopeful confidence. Revelation 21:4 promises, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” That’s how your story ends.

A Mother’s Day prayer when you’re grieving.

Father, it’s Mother’s Day, and my heart really hurts. It’s hard to see pictures of happy families on social media or in TV commercials. It just reminds me of what and who is missing. And, oh Lord, my heart aches and yearns over it. I really want to cling to the promises You make to Your children when we’re hurting. But I admit I’m not the best at it. I need Your help to claim these promises over myself today. You are with me. You comfort me. You give me strength. You heal me. And, in You, I will always find hope. Father, please help me keep those promises at the top of my mind as You carry me through Mother’s Day. Help me experience Your peace. I love You. Amen.

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