To the Beautiful God-Seekers and Kingdom-Builders

Hello! As a team who is humbled to serve a generation looking for purpose, direction, and a safe place to grow, we want to say Welcome. We are proud of you. We are with you.

In our devotion to Jesus + in our day-to-day rhythms, we want help learning how to live and serve faithfully in all of our roles as daughters, mothers, friends, wives, professionals, and more. While God has already wired + blessed us with an innate capacity to carry out these roles, we recognize there is so much to learn!

Mentorship wasn’t our idea—it was, is, and always will be God’s idea. Titus 2:3-5 calls women into a God-filled life for the sake of the Gospel and invites us into intentional mentoring relationships so that together our lives can FLOURISH for the fame and glory of Jesus. This calling up into a higher standard of living is the heartbeat and hope of FLOURISH: A Mentoring Journey. A journey that we believe every woman should go on.

As we unpack His Word in the setting of mentorship, may we be blessed with invaluable growth, victory, knowledge, and power, and may we give right back what was given to us so selflessly: the Gospel displayed for all to see in our very lives!

For His fame,
Shelley Giglio + The FLOURISH Team


