5 Simple Things to Do for Your Mental Health Today!

Procrastination has infiltrated our culture. Every week you can almost always count on hearing someone say, “I’ll start exercising tomorrow” or “I’ll finish this book later.”

It just so happens that we can view our own mental health through this same lens. The goals or obstacles that stand before us can seem like one giant puzzle split into thousands of tiny pieces — unapproachable and ultimately defeating.  And what’s our response? We freeze!

If you’re wondering how it’s possible to see any beauty in such messy and confusing times, don’t worry!  There is hope! You don’t have to wait until tomorrow to find that first piece of the puzzle and you certainly don’t have to finish it overnight!  

God has a purpose for each small step that we take, and He values patience and perseverance. He is the lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

Here are 5 small steps that you can take toward mental health recovery today:

1. Go Outside

— Take a short walk

— Ride your bike to a coffee shop

— Throw a frisbee in a nearby park

— Garden in your backyard

2. Get Creative

— Write a poem or a short story

— Draw or paint a picture

— Play a musical instrument

— Try a new hobby or learn a new skill

3. Reach Out

— Write a letter to an old friend

— Find one new person to connect with at church

— Locate a new support group or bible study to try

— Call a family member to hear about their week

4. Be Still

— Practice a new relaxation or deep breathing technique

— Take a warm bath

— Participate in a gentle yoga class

— Find a quiet outdoor location to read an uplifting devotional

5. Give Back

— Pay for someone’s coffee in line behind you

— Say hello to someone walking past you

— Fill an expired parking meter

— Give someone a compliment

Just like a puzzle, we often have to try many activities to find the one that fits best in our lives!

What are your favorite daily activities to help improve your mental health?

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